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What is a Laser Periodontal Treatment?

Dental examination

Gum disease is a potentially serious dental health concern that can lead to bone and tooth loss if not treated. There are many surgical and non-surgical treatment options to treat gum disease. The right periodontal treatment will be determined by the extent of the decay and damage to the gums and bone. The most common gum disease treatment is root scaling and root planning.

Traditional Root Scaling

Traditional root scaling and planing involve a deep cleaning of the plaque and tartar build-up below and above the gum line around the teeth. The deep cleaning is accompanied by scaling where the plaque and tartar are scraped off the tooth roots (scaling). The rough spots caused by the scaling are then smoothed out in a process of planing.

This deep cleaning washes away bacteria, plaque and tartar that has built up around the tooth and the planing and scaling process results in a clean, smooth surface that makes it difficult for new plaque and tartar to attach to the tooth.

How Laser Therapy Works

In laser periodontal treatment, the same process is followed with the exception of using lasers to clean and smooth rough areas of the tooth root. The same scaling process is used. The cost of laser gum treatments depend on the extent of the work that needs to be done. Most insurance will cover part of the costs. You should talk to your insurance company beforehand.

Laser periodontal therapy may be less expensive than traditional gum treatments as they require less dental office visits and medication. Laser periodontal therapy treatments are relatively new, therefore, creating both hype and criticism.

The Benefits and Risks of Laser Periodontal Treatment

The benefits of laser gum treatments include:

  • Not needing general anesthesia like traditional root scaling and planing procedures do.
  • Lasers can target the diseased areas more precisely and accurately
  • Laser procedures are less invasive, limiting the swelling, pain and bleeding that would normally occur
  • Is quieter than traditional gum treatments
  • Requires fewer office visits
  • Faster recovery and healing times

Like other forms of gum treatments, there are also risks. The risks you should consider before getting a laser periodontal treatment include:

  • Human error. There’s the slight chance that the level of laser intensity will be too strong creating further damage to your gums.
  • Laser gum treatments are a new phenomenon meaning limited research and studies have been conducted on its safety and effectiveness.

Whether you’re looking to explore laser periodontal treatment or decide for a traditional periodontal treatment, you’ll find both procedures at Family Dental Health Center. We offer sedation dentistry to make your periodontal treatment pleasant and smooth. Call us today to get your teeth and gums restored to their former beauty and function.